Memorial Service Honoring Deceased Veterans

On May 5th, 2018, Etz Chayim and Temple B’nai Sholom are holding a joint
service honoring our deceased Jewish veterans for
defending our country.

The service will also honor departing
TBS Rabbi Elizabeth Bahar.

Below is the schedule for the
Saturday morning May 5, event:

10:15 amSaturday, May 5, Shabbat Morning Services followed by-
11:00 amSaturday, May 5, Torah Services  Parsha Emor, Leviticus 21:1-24:23,
11:15 am, Memorial Service Honoring Deceased Veterans
11:30 amSaturday, May 5, Musaf Services followed by
Kiddush Lunch at Noon sponsored by the Sisterhood
1:00 pmSaturday, May 5, Shabbat Torah Study Class- “The Meaning of Torah”