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Community Gathering in Solidarity for Israel – Sunday, 10/8

A Message from Rabbi PJ Schwartz of Temple B’nai Shalom:

Dear Friends:
I woke up [yesterday] to learn that Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that runs Gaza, has infiltrated a state-wide attack on Israel. Thousands of rockets and missiles have been fired, and the death and injury count continues to rise. This horrific and unexpected attack is taking place on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, in which the Arab coalition launched a surprise attack against Israel on Yom Kippur. [Yesterday], we also formally end[ed] the High Holy Day season with Simchat Torah, a day filled with dancing, celebration, and abundant happiness. While this day no longer is one filled with happiness, it remains to be a day filled with hope: hope for resolution, hope for healing of the wounded, and hope for safe redemption of the captured.

In light of recent events in our community, as well as these attacks, we are committed to increasing our security for the coming days. In addition, we will be holding a Community Gathering in our sanctuary [Sunday] evening, October 8, at 7:00pm, in solidarity for Israel.